Potato Needs a Bath DIGITAL by Shona Reppe Based on the original theatre show created by Shona Reppe & Andy Manley There is going to be a party and everyone is ready - except Potato. Onion is practicing his guitar, Aubergine is wearing her new necklace and Peach is bouncing on the bed with excitement. Potato needs a bath - but he has other ideas - because Potato loves mud! Meet Maris Piper and her fruit and vegetable friends in this colourful combination of live and pre-recorded performance and join the fruit and vegetable party of the year live on Zoom! Don't forget to bring a fruit or vegetable friend to the party and make them a party hat! INSTRUCTIONS HERE. Duration 30 min film followed by 15 min Livestream Zoom Party with Maris Piper and Potato. "I defy anyone of any age not to be entertained by this; it was witty, clever and superbly performed." Justine Blundell, The Edinburgh Guide Review |